Quote for: Omni Wave Hollow Retroreflectors™ (OWHR)

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PLX Inc.
40 West Jefryn Blvd.
Deer Park, NY 11729
Phone: 631-586-4190
Fax: 631-586-4196

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Request for a quote: Omni Wave Hollow Retroreflectors™ (OWHR)

Cat. No. Quantity Coating Clear Aperture
Beam Deviation
OW-008-30 0.08/2 30.0 0.35 0.06
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-016-30 0.16/4 30.0 0.55 0.07
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-025-20 0.25/6 20.0 0.60 0.8
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-05-3 0.5/12.7 3.0 0.30 5.9
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-05-5 0.5/12.7 5.0 0.30 5.9
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-05-15 0.5/12.7 15.0 0.90 5.9
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-10-05 1.0/25 0.5 0.10 108
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-10-1 1.0/25 1.0 0.15 108
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-10-2 1.0/25 2.0 0.25 108
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-10-5 1.0/25 5.0 0.60 108
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-10-10 1.0/25 10.0 1.25 108
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-10-30 1.0/25 30.0 3.50 108
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-15-05 1.5/38 0.5 0.10 330
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-15-1 1.5/38 1.0 0.20 330
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-15-2 1.5/38 2.0 0.35 330
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-15-5 1.5/38 5.0 0.90 330
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-15-10 1.5/38 10.0 1.75 330
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-15-30 1.5/38 30.0 5.25 330
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-20-05 2.0/51 0.5 0.15 454
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-20-1 2.0/51 1.0 0.25 454
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-20-2 2.0/51 2.0 0.50 454
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-20-5 2.0/51 5.0 1.25 454
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-20-10 2.0/51 10.0 2.50 454
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-20-30 2.0/51 30.0 7.00 454
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-25-05 2.5/63 0.5 0.25 772
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-25-1 2.5/63 1.0 0.35 772
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-25-2 2.5/63 2.0 0.60 772
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-25-5 2.5/63 5.0 1.50 772
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-25-10 2.5/63 10.0 3.00 772
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-25-30 2.5/63 30.0 9.00 772
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-50-05 5.0/127 0.5 0.45 3860
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-50-1 5.0/127 1.0 0.65 3860
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-50-2 5.0/127 2.0 1.25 3860
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-50-5 5.0/127 5.0 3.00 3860
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-50-10 5.0/127 10.0 6.00 3860
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.

OW-50-30 5.0/127 30.0 18.0 3860
Custom Coating

All fields below are mandatory. Write "N/A" if you aren't sure or if non applicable.